How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week #143


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This week’s prompt:  …the parched ground crumbled…+ 100 words



Ivy wrenched the wheel as hard as she could; the car swerved. Angry gravel scattered and pelted the hubcaps. She panted and wheezed, and coasted to a stop. The old red house of her youth had endured. Home at last. Relieved tears obscured her view.

Hands shaking, she heaved her age-worn bones out of the car, grasped her cane and hobbled to the backyard. The parched ground crumbled beneath her feet. Ancient and useless as me, I see.

Cr-r-ruck. A raven carped. Ugly birds endured too.

I’d much rather die here alone than in that stinking nursing home. No-one will think to look here.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

50 thoughts on “100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week #143

  1. Incredible short story! How so many would prefer to die at home (even an old deserted one) than at an institution. Unfortunately not many can drive at that stage. Good writing.


  2. You bring up a lot of emotions with so few words. Well done!


  3. Tess I agree with grannyK you are able to evoke such emotion so quickly. I feel like I need to come up with new descriptors for your skill. ‘Angy gravel’ ‘ugly birds’…I can see it clear as a bell. Great work!


  4. I love how you always put a twist at the end. Another wonderful 100 Words.


  5. Gone on ya Ivy, I’m with you all the way – which means I’m totally engaged with your story!


  6. I know how she feels.. 😉


  7. If you had been my English teacher at school, I would have loved English! You can spin such magical stories with words.


  8. I admire Ivy. I hope she lives out a very long life at that home. I will imagine the home welcoming her and surprisingly taking very good care of her. Whether anyone lives there or not. 😉 Great job Tess!


  9. Love this bit, “The parched ground crumbled beneath her feet. Ancient and useless as me, I see. ” A powerful story in only 100 words. I certainly agree with the sentiment.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I can never guess what twist you’re going to insert. I know one is coming, but don’t know what exactly. I love that


  11. Determined to the end. Nice one, Tess.


  12. Good one, Tess! Chatter Master said my take better than I could!


  13. How nice it would be to die when we want and where we want. Let’s hope she’s not found and she can end her days her way. Another good 100 worder Tess. xx


  14. A short but powerful story! Loved it. I’m cheering for Ivy.


  15. A very touching story summed up in a few words. The metaphor of age was strong and the story was touching. 🙂


  16. Tess, you just get better and better. This is so good.


  17. Stunning short story Tess, poignant…


  18. aahhhh…I know several who would gladly go home instead of being in the home. Lovely take on the prompt! 🙂


  19. Tess, how is that you manage to blow apart every story with every element required in a complete novel. You leave me in awe with your continuing ability to layer in the sensory stimulus, add the emotion and finally the action. This short story portrays the very image of what many of us prefer.


  20. You put a short movie in my head, complete with sound track recording. I heard and saw the gravel crunch, the nasty birds – harbingers of death, overhead. I saw the old lady hobbling determinedly to the house. I felt her sense of purpose. Super job!


  21. Oh, this is strong. And cruel.
    You really pack a punch in 100 words!
