How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

100-word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #145


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This Week’s Prompt

Each bench has a small explanation of why it was chosen. The prompt this week is for you to think of your favourite book and write that explanation. As always, you only have 100 words and you have to make it a creative piece of writing.


The Crimson Petal and the White

by Michel Faber

 In 1870’s London, Sugar was nineteen and a prostitute. She refused to live the rest of her life as one, but how to change her life?

She almost accomplished the impossible. A rich man desired her because she attended to him with upmost care. She became indispensable and gave him her love. It became apparent she was only a paid servant and he excused her like he did his sick wife. He didn’t love anyone, not even his daughter. Sugar knew she deserved more as did his little girl.

This plaque is in memory of her resourcefulness and ultimate victory.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

45 thoughts on “100-word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #145

  1. Let’s find that girl a job and get her out of that bastard’s life!


  2. It touches my heart Tess. I volunteer with an organization called Servants Anonymous that helps rescue women and children from sexual exploitation. It’s a complicated and ugly web.


  3. Too many people like that. 😦 It’s why people can relate to those stories. Well done Tess.


  4. Oh, a poignant tale. I saw this poor girl so clearly. Well done.


  5. Tess, I am on your side, And please stick it out as long as possible. Smilling your a tweener between middle and not so middle LOL. Take care — Bill


  6. Oh man, did you pull at my heart with this poor girl and all related to that loveless man. Good job!!


  7. Tough story, Tess. Especially having a child involved.


  8. Even the name sounds like the girl you so concisely describe.


    • She’s a character in a book.
      We had to write a 100-word piece about a favorite book and why we chose it. The challengers have taken it all over the place. We don’t know what the real plaques say.

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Rebecca. Always nice to see you. 🙂


  9. You could get work writing back covers – as well as your own novels of course!


    • You’re sweet, Gilly. Thank you for your generous words.

      This challenge was difficult because we don’t know what the book benches in London say about why a particular book was chosen as subject for a bench.


  10. Nods – tugs at the heart strings this one Tess ❤ x


  11. And there by hangs a tail. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This is such a sad one…


  13. I think there is a story in here I don’t understand. I’m missing the connection between the photo and our heroine :/


    • I don’t blame you Joanne. There’s a painted book bench project going on in London. Each bench is after a scene in a book. The challenge this week is to pick a favorite book of ours and write why we chose that book in 100 words like they do on the plaques in London. I haven’t seen what’s on the plaques. This is my rendition.
      The book I chose is by Michel Faber, The Crimson Petal and the White. 😀


  14. I haven’t read this book Tess, but you have written a story that could lead in a million different ways and certainly makes me want to know more. Sad, yes, but so much of life is. It’s the story of overcoming and gaining the victory that is the one we want…and which you more than hint at here. Nice read. ❤


  15. I haven’t read that book but now I want to. Thank you for introducing me to this inspirational novel.
    You’ve illuminated the plot brilliantly. Now I must see her succeed!


  16. Now Tess I must go find and read the book, thank you for your poignant telling. ❤


  17. Fascinating: do you think in the end, this poor little girl could win and melt the lonely heart of this man?


  18. Soooo intriguing! will have to look this one up and, I don’t usually read other’s responses before posting my own, but you could definitely write the jacket synopsis for a book…this one makes me want to jump in! 🙂


  19. “Please look after this bear” that takes me back!

    Sugar sounds interesting, but also depressing…
