How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE


As much as I like reading, I LOVE writing. Blogging is another excuse to get me to my keyboard more often. Hopefully, I can keep up with all my various writing projects. I haven’t been able to up till now, so I have no idea why I took on this blogging as well.

MB900356907I’m a single grandma to two little girls (and have been a merry divorcee for 25 years) but I’ve been so busy I’ve hardly noticed. Living on my own without having to check with anyone has become a habit. I’ve made my choices and am not complaining. I just want to keep on rocking (I don’t mean the chair, I mean TO the MUSIC!) When I leave this earth, it will not be with a whimper. I hope to go kicking and screaming OR singing way too loud IF I can remember the words. I hope it will not be for a long time yet; I hope my health allows it. Till then, I want to  s-q-u-e-e-z-e out as much living as I can. Join me?

These are my media links:

Blog   Twitter   Google+   LinkedIn   Facebook


Since I began blogging, the following are some of my published accomplishments:  (this story >>)   (this story >>)  (Was it Magic?: page 7)

Slices of Life (Anthology)

Palpable Imaginings (Anthology)  (Tangled)  (Friends: page 6) (Slammed: page 11) (Anthologies – numerous. In support of the MAGIC Foundation)



375 thoughts on “About

  1. Good luck with September’s writing – can’t wait to see the result!


  2. I can’t agree more – after 65 the view of life becomes irreverent. From one grandmother to another – so nice to meet you!


  3. Pingback: My carb curbing week is cutting down the pounds already

  4. HI Tess!
    I just saw the notification you followed my blog! I feel like we are old friends! Thank you! Exciting!


  5. Hi Tess: I totally enjoyed your piece about living with daughter and family on the Retirement Living site, and have left a response there. Thanks for an excellent article.


    • Thank you for reading, Cynthia. I cannot imagine a situation where a couple would want their parent(s) underfoot all the time. What about privacy? I couldn’t handle not having my own space, doing what I want, when I want; cooking what I want (I love food and cooking) etc.
      Though I have my own ‘apartment’, young people think of themselves first. Sometimes I need assistance, no matter how small, they are too busy and I must wait. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. thanks for this wonderful blog! love anything that’s to do with positive aging


  7. I’m with you, Tess! Let’s squeeeeeeze till the tube runs dry 🙂 ❤


  8. Pingback: The Art of Taking a Break: Rolling on a Riverboat | Teagan's Books

  9. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. You would be a great contributor to the Senior Salon in 2017.


  10. Hi Tess I am inviting you to join in with First Post #myfirstpostrevisited rules on my post at have


  11. It’s pretty clear you do what you say – live life to the full and enjoy it !


  12. Oooops – I seem to have forgotten my manners. *sorry*. Thank you for joining my band of blog followers – yay! Welcome 🙂


  13. Pingback: The Blue Sky Tag – Fiction by Rachael Ritchey

  14. Just thought I’d pop in and say hi. Hope things are chugging along ok, Tess. Wishing you well from this side of the pond.


  15. This is a great blogging site, I enjoy your candid writing style!


Some things in life are complicated. Let's keep it simple.