How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

100-Word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #154


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The prompt this week is … Remember … + 100 words



Among the captured soldiers, Stefan raised his chin, elbows thrust wide. In front, Henio, hands on head likewise, relaxed his elbows forward. The butt of a rifle slammed his shoulder. His hand slid to an ear. The firearm discharged like a cannon; he soared into the air.


Face and uniform slimed and splattered red, Stefan grit his teeth and stumbled. I will not mark my trousers. He blinked fast and swallowed. Remember me, wife. I’m sorry.

The captives trudged through the giant electrified gate.

A rifle barrel jabbed his neck. “You, right. You, left.”

Bless me Father.

“Move. Now.”

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

74 thoughts on “100-Word Challenge for Grown-ups – Week #154

  1. Oh, this is a tough one. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well done, Tess. Well done. Huge hugs. ⭐


  3. This paints a horrible picture, and I don’t know how anyone endures that treatment! Well done.


  4. Tess you are a powerful writer to be able to create such a horrific and terrifying mood. On this day shall we always remember these men and women who suffered so. Well done.


  5. Tess….so vivid. Seems fitting for today. I can’t imagine this kind of terror. I hope he moved in the direction he wanted to move.


  6. Very powerful writing. Conjures up some heavy history. Well done, Tess!


  7. I think everyone has already expressed it so well. This is a very tough one.


  8. Well done, Tess! I admire anyone who can say SO much in SO few words! Congratulations!

    Hugs from Ecuador,


  9. 100 words…10,000 could not be as poignant and powerful. This is great work, my friend.


  10. Wow, just wow and on Veteran’s Day no less. The writing, magnificent as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes very topical, well done.


  12. You’re so good at this. Awful but moving.


  13. Oh Tess, if its not Henio its Stefan whose fate is decided on a whim. Very moving and frightening, we must remember.


  14. Powerful reminder of the horrors of war. Very well written Tess, very moving… ❤


  15. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Amazing how much emotion and drama you can create in 100 words if you are a talented writer.


  16. Once more you have risen to the challenge, accepted and given us a little masterpiece. I have heard many stories from pop penguin about his time during the War. I don’t know how he managed to survive. He had a gun pointed at him 3 times, but for the grace of the universe or a higher being he was thankfully saved. xx


  17. What a sad yet fitting post at this time of Remembrance. Well done Tess! 🙂


  18. That is so disturbing–not your writing, rather that it happened in my lifetime. You’ve captured it, Tess.


  19. very evocative Tess, felt like I was watching this interaction from a safe distance. well done.


  20. Quite a Veterans’ Day tribute. And, as I’ve come to expect, a great piece of writing.


  21. I got shivers! I appreciate the intensity of your writing – it activates remembrance. Bravo.


  22. Oh, this brought me to tears! Sharp writing!


  23. Sad story today… Excellent writing as always Tess. ❤


  24. Amazing story! you captured the environment in just 100 words!


  25. Oh my! Vivid story-telling. Frightening. Excellent, Tess.


  26. Powerful.
    I was just thinking earlier how I would like to replace all the pious poppies with a white card saying “Never Again”.
