How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Flash in the Pan – Wake


They were siblings, five (Able) and almost nine (Ready). As girls will, they fought like cats and dogs—sometimes.

Able:  You are wrecking my life. You almost ribbed my new book.

Ready:  You pushed me—like this—with your elbow. I’m telling Daddy.

Able: You are in Grade 3, almost four, Ready, and eight—almost nine. I’m just little. But I know the rules. Big sisters have-ta look after little sisters. I’m not mad at you, but you’re not nice to me.

Ready: You are such a crybaby. I’m still telling Daddy. I’m going to play Moshi Monsters on Daddy’s Laptop.

Able: Wake for me, Wake for me!

~ * ~

Click for the rules of this challenge.

The word limit for Wake is 125 words. I used 110.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

31 thoughts on “Flash in the Pan – Wake

  1. This is darling. And another handful in the meter ❤ This will be one of the few which feature children in this book, Tess.


    • Thanks for your time, Red. I know you spread yourself thinly. My granddaughters had a LOUD disagreement on Tuesday afternoon after school and the idea was born. Neither of them has a speed impediment but I laughed the whole time I wrote it. Maybe I’ll keep myself open for more…


  2. Cute 😉
    Just like they are – so precious.
    And then they turn into teenagers…


  3. This sure rings true, Tess!


    • My younger granddaughter doesn have a speed impediment but the girls did have a dissagreement the day I got the idea. One thing leads to another. I rather like it myself. Thanks so much. I grew up in a houseful of girls and I always thought they were more complicated than boys. I only knew about boys from babysitting. To me they were kind of easy to read / transparent, OR, I was fooling myself because I was so girl-oriented.


  4. Little girls are real drama queens!


  5. “Wake for me” is definitely a keeper. Cute girls, cute story.
    I’m amazed you’re still writing flash besides your novel. That’s what I call dedication!


    • I wasn’t planning on doing Flash in the Pan but I WAS hoping to keep it up as a distraction. This particular one fell together because my grandgirls had a fight and the idea of Wake for me took hold.

      Thank you for commenting ablogdog. I appreciate it. I know I won’t be here every day but I try.


  6. So sweet Tess. Little girls are a handful as you have so aptly shown here.


    • I don’t know much about boys, but I do about girls. They always have to have the last word! I grew up in a houseful of girls. Except for babysitting when I was young, I knew girls but boys seemed easier to figure out. Their stance towards each other seems more clear, less complicated than between sisters. The operative word here is ‘seemed’. I might be wrong. Girls is all I know–or I think I do.

      Nice to see you Valentine.


  7. Very cute! I love your little family tales!!! 🙂


  8. When she gets to be a teenager move to another state and assume a new identity. We are going through it and it ages you. So cute, Tess.


  9. I like this one and it is really
    different, nice different I mean 🙂

    Andro xxx
