How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Memories, Lapses and New Dreams


I blinked and the year whizzed by before I had time to catch my breath. Do you feel the same? I marvel how the years slip by faster as I stack them higher and higher. Notice I refuse to utter stinky words like getting older or age.

Rather than whine and complain, I’ve learned to appreciate how good life has been to me. This past year has been one of my best. I’m out of Kleenex, therefore I can’t afford to get sappy. Anyway, depends what border you’re on, no use causing mascara drip down your nicely bronzed and powdered cheeks while you doll up for New Year’s Eve festivities.

I never imagined how enjoyable the blogosphere would become nor the wonderful, warm and like-minded individuals I’d meet. Thank you for visiting and sticking with me.

The beginning of this year I received umpteen awards but fell behind in accepting and performing the duties attached. After about nine months, little by little I dusted them off and stashed them in my Razzle Dazzle vault. Now I shy away from nominations as it’s unfair not to share with deserving bloggers because I cannot choose a few out of the many. Still, this year I managed to stash a few quiet awards with the blessing of the nominees.

Some days I’m disorganized and fall behind. Blogging is a full time job! Thank goodness I’m retired, otherwise I’d have to quit working or quit blogging. Did I mention I cut into my reading time to keep up with you all? *Grins*

morgueFile free photos

morgueFile free photos

Three people I must thank who have been especially kind, thoughtful and helpful. I have followed each of them since I began blogging a little over two years ago.

Red Dwyer, is the Promoter, Publicist, and Publisher of Redmund Productions and the blogger at I can’t think of anything she hasn’t attempted and done exceptionally well. This woman can rock a baby, drive a truck and write a book all at the same time. Kidding, but she multi-tasks like no-one you know.

Valentine of is a blogger and a free-lance writer. She’s terrific at looking at the world and getting you to pay attention. There is always brisk and noteworthy conversation at her blog. If you haven’t already, stop for a visit.

I close with the latest surprise from another fellow blogger, Andrew Petcher, a travel blogger at Have BagWill Travel. He decided to make a top ten list of his favourite blogs for 2013, and guess who make the list? I’m still blushing. Thank you, Andrew. Check it out as well at his blog:

Given the chance I might go on forever but I’ll stop nattering now. Happy New Year! May 2014 be healthy and prosperous for all. Let’s have as much, if not more, next year.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

64 thoughts on “Memories, Lapses and New Dreams

  1. Happy New Year! The blogosphere is indeed a warm and wonderful place, far beyond what I think any of us imagined. Here’s to a great 2014 for all of us 🙂


  2. Happy New you to you. it has been enjoy getting to know you and share the blogosphere with you. Peace, love, and light!


  3. Happy New Year Tess! I love Red, but don’t know the other two. I agree on the more fun for 2014! I’m already signed up.


  4. You are an angel, Tess! Glad to have met you this year! Happy New Year! Don’t you wonder how you ever had time to work before? I know I do! I also can’t deny that I am one of those writers who stays in my PJs all day sometimes…more times than not, truth be told.


    • My daughter and S-i-L give me weird looks because I DO stay in my PJs, mostly weekends because I refuse to go out and I don’t need to pick up the kids at the school bus.

      Nice to have met you too, sk. I’ve been smiling all day catching up here. I look forward to an eventful and fun 2014.


  5. Glad you had a terrific year, Tess. May 2014 be equally as good to you if not better xx


    • Double to you. It’s HAS been wonderful here. I had no idea the blogosphere would turn out to be such a warm and friendly environment. Glad I met you here and look forward to more of the same this year. 🙂


  6. Although I dislike the idea of New Year’s celebrations, I will wish you a great 2014, Tess. It’s been fun touching base with you and we look forward to more of the same!


    • I’m with you, Laurie. I had a nice quiet night and went to bed. Slept 12 hours! Haven’t done that in…I have no idea.

      I wish you a wonderful 2014 and look forward to lots of exchanges this year. 😀


  7. I’m sooo happy you’re successful…old friend. I’ glad I was able to reconnect with you when “stuff” happened in my life before you got famous (LOL). You were so instrumental by just being there and listening to me albeit via email. Don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there and telling me it wasn’t my fault when things fell apart. Thanks for lending me an ear even after 47 years. All the best of sucess in 2014.


    • OMG, Monika. It’s m.o.r.e. than 47. I count 50, but what a year here or there when you’re in double digits. We must catch up. I promise I will try, by end of today…

      Love that you came here. Happy New Year.


  8. Can I edit my last comment….LOL…..I sound so stupid…I’ glad….duh… obviously hit the wrong key… meant to say I’m glad. Okay,,,it’s New Years…my inebriated half…hit the wrong key. Cheers.


  9. Happy New Year! So happy to have caught up with you. 🙂


  10. I also wonder where the year went, but it’s like toilet paper: The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. That’s life. I enjoy your meanderings and am glad I receive your postings in my inbox.


  11. Hahaha, I love it here Tess! Happy 2014 🙂


  12. Like Christmas – the day and night passes and we wonder why all the fuss 🙂 I am glad we crossed paths Tess and thank you also for your support of me – I truly appreciate it. Keep on blogging and no WE aren’t old… 😉 x


  13. Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in 2014!


  14. I’m so glad you are blogging Tess, I love your blog. But you’re right, blogging can take up a LOT of time, especially when there are so many good blogs out there to read, like yours. 😉

    Here’s to the best year ever, for all of us! Hugs, G


    • Thanks so much, Geraldine. You are most generous. I’m glad I met you here and look forward to a wonderful new year together.
      Indeed I try to stay on top of blogging but I will have to make some changes in 2014. I’m worn out all the time. Must find a way to make more time to w-r-i-t-e less sporadically because I have no energy for it.


  15. It was a good year, wasn’t it. Not politically, but I just don’t care about that anymore (we’ll have a discussion about why I should later). I’m busy, motivated, energized, doing what I love (writing).

    Glad your year was wonderful, too, Tess. Through you, I’ve met some wonderful people–and I’m off to check out the three you just mentioned. Have a wonderful new year day!


  16. The year did whiz by fast. I am happy to have blog met you this year, Tess 🙂
    Happy New Year to you 🙂


  17. I couldnt have said it better. I am so proud of you! God bless you~


  18. Like you I am so grateful I am retired as I don’t know how I would have fit working in. Blogging is addictive. Perhaps they have meetings?


  19. Wow–you done good girl! Well deserved too. 🙂


  20. I’m so glad that I met you here Tess! Thanks for being such a great pal to me 🙂


  21. Happy New Year Tess! It is a joy to have your sparkly, warm, candid and fun energy to turn to! 🙂


    • I ditto that and double it. Good think this isn’t poker because I would never double anything.
      As I said earlier today, I love the way you tell a story, in that wide-eyed and innocent voice you have. 😀


  22. Wishing you and yours a glorious 2014. Keep on blogging!


  23. Pleased to make your acquaintance today! Yes, the blogosphere is amazing and warm and I’m so grateful for all the love and understanding I get here. 🙂

    Happy belated New Year!


  24. Golly gee whiz! Look what just dropped into my in-box; a notice of your blog written on Dec. 31. To be fair about everything, I will say my hard drive crashed 2 days before Christmas only to get it back and the new custom built hard drive had so many problems . . . well you get the picture. Hopefully I’m up and running now.
    Congratulations on the awards. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. You are absolutely right, blogging is a full time job and more. I’m becoming overwhelmed as I want to stay on top of everything and I can’t do everything.
    And, the time thing, again you are correct. I refuse to allocate my slowing down to age. After all, I’ve been multitasking for years. I just never remembered it being so hard.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, you’ve listed some interesting blogs above and I’m itching to go visit them. I’m guessing I have more messages in my in-box regarding your wonderful blogs. In the meantime, I think perhaps I should fix dinner.


    • Thank you. You are a sweetheart, Sheri.
      The more I promise I’ll pull back a little, the more I subscribe to new posts. It’s a vicious circle. My brain has been running on empty for months now. I have to get it back. 😀


      • Tess – How well I understand the part of the brain running on empty. I often feel guilty about posting every other week but when I write a blog, it takes a lot out of me. When I first started blogging I set up the twice a week routine, but now that I’m writing longer blogs and with more substance, I can’t keep up with that routine.
        I understand exactly what you mean about subscribing to new blogs. The gung ‘ho woman in me wants to read everything and then feel guilty when I can’t. I dearly love your blogs and wake up in the middle of the night thinking, ‘Tess is such a wonderful supporter of my blog and I don’t think I’ve even made it to her blog this week.’ Then I’m furious with myself. I consider you a friend and love your writing. You have a flair with words that I don’t often find along the way. I now have my computer back and now the laptop has gone in to make it compatible with my PC — oh for the days when everything was written on a yellow legal pad. No, I don’t want those days back.


      • You are too kind, Shari. I feel like a fraud. I don’t know anything about anything. I enjoy reading and writing, especially writing. It’s enough challenge for my no-longer-multi-tasking-brain. 😀 😀
        I try to answer all the comments but my brain’s not as agile as it once was.


      • Tess: If you were a fraud, you could not write such heartfelt stories (rather they be stories of everyday life or your flash fiction efforts). I too attempt to answer each comment and sometimes I feel I’ve already said everything and am drained. Just look at the loving comments your followers leave. The comments aren’t just the simple, “Hey, I read your blog, keep writing.” I read comments and the ones you receive are genuine. You have a gift.


      • Thank you. You are a most generous soul and you have lifted me up just when I needed it.
        Have a wonderful day, Sheri.


  25. I loved this! I do feel the same! I buckled up for a wild ride and felt as if I’d bought an E ticket for the twistiest roller coaster ever! But like you, I was blessed this year. And am excited to ride more rides! I am grateful for knowing you. And for our paths crossing. I haven’t had a lot of time to tend to my blogging friends or my own blogs for that matter. I finished a book that will forever be in the throws of being tweaked (I’m afraid) before I feel it is ready to wrap up and send out. And I left a ten year job that I was sooo stuck in, to pursue another one! Lots of changes!!! But I feel settled and happier than I have for a long time. Thank you for this blog! You make me grateful! 😉


  26. By the way, funny I just realized that you wrote this a YEAR ago!!!! But that is what I like about blogs! You can go back and they have no expiration date! 🙂
