How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Hot Flash – Tent


Sydney sniffed, then spluttered. The fogginess of sleep and last night’s hangover weighed heavy. “Bobby, you sleaze.” The voice woke him, but he was alone, his sleeping-bag soaked and ice-cold. His older brother had set-up his tent. And it leaked like a ruptured garden-hose.

“You’ll pay for this, you scum.”

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morgueFile free photos

~ * ~

This is a continuation of the Winter Quarter of Flash in the Pan. Boys and Their Toys is the new theme. To join in and to read the rules, click:

The word limit for Tent is 50 words. I used them all.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

54 thoughts on “Hot Flash – Tent

  1. I want to know what the hell is going on here. Great descriptions.


  2. hmm where was he now, like the ruptured garden hose and the hangover weighing heavy…oh haven’t we all been there 🙂


  3. You definitely had me with the title Tess. Well written piece.


  4. I will miss these little stories of yours while you are traipsing through China. Maybe you could write and schedule some ahead.


    • You are a kind soul, Patricia.Thank you.
      I have never scheduled any posts before as I usually write these at the last minute even though I have a reminder on my calendar.
      I must finish this challenge before I go away. 🙂


  5. Drunken brotherly love 🙂


  6. Oh I wouldn’t be happy. Not one bit.


  7. If he was with his brother and “drunk” and “tent” were in the plans….he had it coming. 😉


  8. Argh, nothing worse than waking up in a wet tent…well, the hang-over doesn’t help.


    • The hangover is a given but not the wet tent. Ha ha.Actually, when I was much, much younger and we camped and drank like idiots, hangovers didn’t hang on. Something to do with all that fresh air sleep?


  9. Nothing worse than waking up in wet tent…been there, done that…never again… 😉


  10. Wouldn’t that ruin your morning. That’s what he gets for not learning to do it himself. He’ll learn…


  11. Makes you wonder where he was the night before!
    Once you have an R.V. you will never tent camp again. I like Dry and comfy.


  12. How was I not following you? That was a blip! I know that was… oh WordPress what am I going to do with you? This inspired me too. I need to go back and recall a few of those camping trips… I love your blog so much! And you have become such a faithful reader of mine. I know that time is limited and I so appreciate yours!
    Now lets cut the crap and may I just say….
    You are a blessing.


  13. Oh, I know… I see that half of me is signed up under my other blog. Too funny. I think that “keri” on my other blog is following ya! Now I totally feel like a split personality! Yikes!


  14. Ahh, brotherly love. 🙂


  15. Great writing again, Tess!


  16. Whew. For a minute I though someone wet the bed.

    Great flash fiction, as always, my friend.


  17. tee…heee…thanks Tess! 🙂


  18. Never trust brothers to do anything important! Are we certain it is only water he is soaked with?

    Wonderful descriptions.


  19. Tents! Horrible unless they’re huge and someone else sets them up with a genuine bed inside! Good story though.


  20. Reminds how much I hate camping… 🙂
