How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Writing Process Meme


Note:  This is longer than my usual.

Kansen Sakura @  asked if I’d be willing to answer and post four questions. I didn’t ask for details. The request sounded easy enough. It wasn’t until she posted her answers that the realization hit me: I’d already done this. What to do? Shush. Do it.

She is full of unbelievable surprises. She’s a chef, engineer, and a poet, with interests in ballroom dancing, photography, things Japanese and on and on. Recently, she became a student again in Pharmacy study. Check her out and be amazed.

J.B.Whitmore’s Scribbler’s Playhouse @ is a new blogging friend who also asked if I’d answer four questions about my writing process. I asked to be excused as I had recently been tagged by Jacqui Murray at

Check out JBW’s open invitation to all Writers’ Writing:


Drum roll, please. If you have not met these ladies, let me introduce:

  1. Colleen Brown @

Colleen writes about life as it strikes her. She has a particular way of looking at the world, peeling the layers one by one, until the heart of her topic is exposed. Laugh or cry, you’ll experience a new way of understanding. As well, you’ll enjoy her clever shadow people. I won’t explain; you must see for yourself.


  1. Vanessa Chapman @

I can’t recall how I stumbled upon her blog a couple of years ago, but I have enjoyed her humor and inventiveness since. She’s not only a blogger, but is also a part time actor, a writer of magazine articles and works at a university in England.  I can almost manage one blog; she has a two. Do breeze over to:


  1. Sherri Mathews @

Sherri believes in hope. She says moving has been a constant throughout her life. Unexpected and unplanned changes and obstacles forced her to rethink her outlook. Opportunities came and vanished, but she ploughed forward. She currently blogs and works on her memoir with a radiant smile and sunny disposition. Stop and say hello and have a look around.

My answers:

The rules for this meme are to answer four questions about your writing method and nominate three new people.


What am I working on at the moment?

I’m sorting through and sprucing up short stories for submission before summer readings close. Matching the correct magazine to the story is my biggest headache and time consuming. Do I do contests or pay fees? At first I did for a couple, but no longer. I am retired after all and fees add up, although submitters usually receive a ‘free’ subscription in return. Since I first posted this, I’ve read reading fees are becoming a reality.


How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I’ve a simple and unexciting answer to this question. I believe my writing fits into general fiction and not any sub-category. I tend to write about a variety of subjects which don’t include fantasy, sci-fi or horror etc. Everyday common-man-situations readers might associate with and cheer are what grab me as well. I can’t help being tickled if the stories are entertaining to readers when I release them.


Why do I write what I do?

I write to entertain myself, to analyze situations to better understand them, and to sort out the clamour in my head. I write about what grabs my attention. Sometimes, I believe I have a life altering idea and sometimes this is true, but not always. Okay, hardly ever.


How does my writing process work?

The middle of the day works best for me because I use up mornings to ease into the work after I’ve read the paper, my e-mail and blogs, and swept away diversions so I can concentrate.

I have a spiral notebook within reach to scribble fleeting ideas before they vanish. However, my handwriting has degenerated so much even chicken scratch doesn’t describe it. Most of the time I write like a demon and can’t make it out later. My favourite writing tool is my laptop from draft to finish.

I don’t accomplish as much as I should because I’m disorganized and easily distracted. Sometimes, I type as fast as I can to capture what’s going through my head and then leave it for another day because I’m not always sure what to do with the information right away.

When the going is hot—not often enough—my day vanishes. I’ve typed the first draft and filled in holes, patched bridges and edited as much as I can. I then put away the piece for another day when I can read it like a stranger. Only once or twice have I written a short story from start to finish in one day and been satisfied. Believe it or not, I enjoy editing the most because then I take my time.


Once again, these are my three nominees.

  1. Colleen Brown @  (July 21)
  2. Vanessa Chapman @  (July28)
  3. Sherri Mathews @  (Aug. 4)

Answer these four questions on your blog beginning July 21, 2014 (and on consecutive Mondays thereafter) and add three new nominations to your posts.

  1. What am I working on at the moment?
  2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
  3. Why do I write what I do?
  4. How does my writing process work?

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

38 thoughts on “Writing Process Meme

  1. I love reading these Meme things because it introduces me to new writers. I’m already a fan of Vanessa’s, but the others are new to me. Time to explore!


  2. Hahaha chicken scratch handwriting is me too!


  3. Chicken scratch made me laugh. I’ve got a few resemblances to those markings around my place. I love Colleen’s site! And yours. 🙂


  4. Great to know more about you and your writing Tess. I follow Vanessa and have just had a glimpse at the other two blogs. Thank you for the introduction.


  5. My process will be quite…uninteresting! 😉 Thank you for the shout out. What a wonderful description for my blog. Okay then… to figure out my processing.


  6. I enjoyed reading this! We all have our own of getting the story down. It’s such an individual thing. “I don’t accomplish as much as I should because I’m disorganized and easily distracted. ” But this really hit home for me. I often feel that I’d accomplish more if I were more organized. It’s nice to finally have my Internet back. 🙂


  7. Fun to learn what you’ve been working on. I wish you luck with the magazine submissions!


  8. I can’t read my writing anymore either, and I had such a neat hand once. 😀


  9. As a new fan of your writing, I enjoyed reading about your writing process. One of the things I like about this particular meme is the chance to check out my favorite writers’ nominees and why they have nominated them. I will visit the blogs of your nominees.


  10. I was looking at notes I jotted down several months ago and I couldn’t read my writing. It’s a tad bit embarrassing that even I can’t decipher my own handwriting.


  11. Tess, you are a true friend to people who can introduce so many so well and be pleased for them. I like your reason for writing the best. Good luck with the submissions.


  12. Thanks for sharing your writing process Tess. It’s always interesting to know how other writers work. I will be joining this blog hop myself on July 28th. 🙂


  13. Thanks again for sharing your writing process Tess, and for the lovely introductions. You are one lovely lady 🙂 I have to say I’m with you, all my writing is on my laptop as I can’t read back my own handwriting most of the time! Thanks for the invite and I’ll email you re the date 😉


  14. Great to learn more about you and your writing. I do think we need to pick and chose where we send out our stories. Some contests do not have high fees and are worth considering but I stay away from the higher fees as you say, they add up.


  15. I echo your “why you write what you do” – writing is a pretty amazing tool if it can sort out this intangible mess in my head. 🙂

    Editing is a favorite here, too. Taking time to put all the pieces of a puzzle together makes me happy.

    Thanks for sharing!
