How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

How’s Yours?


For Christmas, my daughter surprised me with a Keurig (coffee brewing system), which gives me a choice of three cup sizes. My old coffee maker works fine, I wanted to blurt.

A sample box of a dozen pre-measured, prefilled cups came with it—Italian (dark) Roast—too strong for my taste. Since Keurig carry so many brands, I would have preferred a box of assorted coffee instead. In my notebook, I made notes about two dozen varieties I had to purchase. These are a few:

  1. Timothy’s Original Donut Blend  – a somewhat watered down taste of coffee, with overtones of molasses.
  2. Brown Gold 100% Peruvian Medium –  full-bodied coffee, with rich overtones of peaches. Yum.
  3. 100% Costa Rican Brown Gold, Mild – beautiful cup of coffee. No added notes but a ‘feel good cup of coffee’.
  4. Breakfast In Bed Woolfgang Puck, Medium – a full bodied coffee. Nice aroma, but with a slight aftertaste; still, not bad. This one proved disappointing. I had high expectations because of the brand. Nothing outstanding here. No notes or overtones.

Not that I’m a wine connoisseur by any stretch, but it struck me odd that I should make comparisons to wine when I wrote these notes. When I went back to the coffee supply store, what a surprise to see all the coffees had similar descriptions as above. Woohoo.

Thank you Microsoft

Thank you Microsoft

Why I’m not crazy about the new-fangled coffee machines is so many customers are now buying premeasured plastic pucks and cups. Throwing this plastic in the garbage drives me nuts. I found out if you rip the cups apart and remove the paper or fibre filter, they are recyclable. A bit of a bother, I know, but let’s face it we’re already too lazy.

Keurig also make a reusable cup you can fill yourself. I believe they sell separate paper  filters for these, but am  not sure. You fill these with any kind of coffee you like, perhaps a favourite you already enjoy. My problem is the machine makes only one cup at a time. You need to dig out the compacted grounds, rinse, dry and refill for next one. Somewhat of a pain if you have a friend over for coffee. For best results you must use ultra-fine grind coffee in the refillable cups or the end result I found disappointing.

Did I need a new coffee machine? No. Was I over the moon when I opened my gift? No. Once a cup is made I must drink it up or it will get cold. I hate cold coffee. It so happens that Kuerig coffees are delicious black and cold, but I still prefer mine hot.

I’m content with my old drip coffeemaker. I can pour a third or a half-cup at a time, and I get to drink it hot. My cat jumped up on the counter last week and knocked the coffee pot off because I set it, clean and empty, next to the drip coffee unit. It smashed on the floor. Instead of buying acomplete new unit, I replaced the pot for $2.99 at a second-hand store. Now my coffee is always hot again because my cheap little coffee maker has a burner, and keeps my pot hot.

The Keurig is nice, but too expensive for every day use. I like lots of black coffee each day.

What’s your story? How is your coffee?

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

23 thoughts on “How’s Yours?

  1. You can tell the difference between notes and overtones? Wow, I’m impressed. I’m with you on the old coffeemaker. One serving coffee makers make me feel wasteful because of their little packages and I feel like I’m being accommodated at an auto repair store.


    • Shocked the B-J***s out of me. It happened so organically. Like I said, I’m no wine what’s-it, but the telling just happened and I wondered if I might be possessed or something–maybe incarnated. I’ll grab any straw(s) to sound like I know what I’m talking about. It’s no secret I’m over 16, therefore, I hope my life AGE experience will cover for me.

      Gads I hope I don’t sound


    • I began to tell the difference in coffees when I started drinking it black–no sugar. First I had to acquire a taste for drinking it black. With no effort I began to notice some coffees were better than others and so on. What decided me on drinking my coffee black? Calories–all that cream all day, every day. I noticed I wasn’t as bloated-feeling after coffee black.


  2. When I was growing up I had to make coffee for my parents on a very regular basis. I knew how to make it to their tastes. I always loved the smell of coffee, but no matter how many times I smelled that delicious brew and then took a sip….GAG! I could not stand the taste of coffee! Skip ahead to when I was 42. I woke up one day and told my husband I had to start drinking coffee. I started with an iced cappucino and have been drinking coffee since. But I haven’t a clue how to make a decent cup of coffee anymore. As a child I made it by the way my parents drank it. As an adult 30 years later…no clue. Got a Keurig. LOVED it. 🙂 I did buy a refillable filter. Sometimes use it. And I do feel very wasteful not recycling the cups, but I will start.


    • Nice to meet you and talk with you.
      I NEEDED, all of a sudden, to have coffee when I was 13. It happened overnight I seem to recall. The coffee was crap–instant–no-one knew it was terrible at that time. Maybe there were some coffee snobs around us, but I can’t image my family knowing any. Over my lifetime, I stopped drinking coffee and then started again eons later–but no longer in instant coffee HELL.
      Since the Keurig, I’ve made advancements in the world of coffee, but I know NOTHING of any usefulness, if truth be told, although it FEELS like I MIGHT have made some headway….


  3. I don’t have one at the moment, but I use to, and one of the reasons I went with the machine I did was because the store offered a recycle shoot where I could take my pods and have them recycled.

    I am so impressed with your coffee nose. Right now I am getting it from the cafe where I work and the barista there can do the same thing. Applauds this skill


  4. I must admit I had to look up up what a Keurig is and found they have a coffee flavour called Wild Mountain Blueberry in which they descrive the flavour of blueberries and the perfection of a buttery crust. I don’t know about you, but the concept of coffeee and buttery just seems a little strange. I like my coffee to smell and taste like coffee… white and none and not too strong please.


    • I’m not keen on flavoured coffee. It spoils it. I’m with you; coffee is supposed to taste like coffee. Now a croissant with a bit of butter and some blueberry preserve with that coffee is a different story.


  5. Love coffee. And, I’m with you on the recycling whatever we can. We use a local brand, Cafe Altura, french roast water processed and love it with our old fashioned drip machine. Where my hubby does volunteer work, they have a Keurig. He said he stopped buying his guilty pleasure in outside stores because the Keurig coffee is that good. Me? I’m too darn lazy to do much of anything other than stay the course with what we have at home. Too bad we can’t all be sitting on comfy chairs, sharing a cuppa and chat. That’d be a good time. 🙂


    • The Keurig coffee IS wonderful, without a doubt. I started drinking my coffee black and can really TASTE good coffee like never before, especially the good quality ones. I am still searching for a one I like and plan to buy beans to grind fresh, a pot at a time. I’m nothing if not excessive when I’m passionate about something. Hee hee.

      It would be lovely to sit, chat and share coffee together. It’s such a beautiful day out today too.


  6. I have a one cup coffeemaker that hubby bought me to make my one cup a day decaf. HE DRINKS STRONG COFFEE OUT OF THE FAUCET …LOL…coffee is definitely rising in price….but sigh …yummy…good article…your dau. was obviously being sweet …maybe she’ll use the keurig when visiting, or others who visit you …I bet it’s lonely!


    • We have to treat ourselves, SOMEtime, right?
      My daughter and her husband had a fancy shmancy Sirius (brand name) machine that makes barista-made coffees. Guess what? They only use it for special occasions. For everyday, they use the old coffee percolator we used to put on the stove, remember? Theirs is electric.


  7. I usually drink instant. Filter coffee is only for when I want to treat myself, and then it’s usually some of my very precious Starbucks beans freshly ground and steeped in my one cup french press – no fancy coffee machines for me!!


  8. We have one at work – the damned thing never fills to the correct measure, and I cry with every tossed premade packet.


    • Oh dear, something seems to be wrong if it doesn’t fill properly, but the coffee is GOOD, when you find a favourite.

      Yes, I agree. All that landfill. Thank you for commenting, Troy.


  9. I want one of those for my office upstairs, I am lazy. I have my pot downstairs and I drink it first but then throughout the day I just want to make a quick cuppa not an entire pot. I think this would be great.

    I think your descriptions are wonderful.


  10. I keep my coffee simple – a cafetiere ( A French press, I think you call it on your side of the pond) with a medium flavour – not too strong, not too weak. Someone once gave me a cappuccino/espresso coffee maker. What a faff. I only used it a couple of times..


  11. Interesting post and comments. I love good coffee and over the years we have used the filter method, the french press, espresso machines, a fully automated coffee machine that gave so much trouble I got my money back and now I have a two cup stainless steel espresso pot that makes a perfect brew with no fuss. I still have a filter machine for when we have guests.
    I first experienced the “pod” coffee in the Netherlands when we stayed with friends and it was great coffee but friends in the UK now have a machine as well and their coffee is far too weak for my taste. I had to use two pods to get my morning fix! I use a blend of coffees ground for me at our local supplier and sometimes play around with changing one of the ingredients but we do tend to stick the the same blend for a long time. And after all that I only drink one cup a day but it is a VERY IMPORTANT CUP and heaven help anyone who disturbs my morning coffee ritual!


  12. We bought a Keurig when My wife’s mother moved in with us and, being frail and an avid coffee drinker I wanted something easy for her to make coffee without much care or thought. At first I thought it was lovely, however as time progressed I realized she thought it was lovely too. Hence her consumption and my coffee budget started rising precipitously. I found some reusable containers made by “Melita” that allow me to use ground coffee and paper filters and are a huge improvement over the one that Kuerig had as an offering, in my opinion, much easier to clean I can make up several ahead of time and I have reduced the costs and the landfill problems.

    I like the idea of the traditional brewer but always made more than we drank, this seems to work but can be a pain if you have a lot of company that all want to drink coffee. 🙂


    • Sorry, I can’t help laughing. Mom was experiencing paradise. Can’t say I blame her but I stopped using the Keurig for the same reason: $$ The Melita’s containers fit the Keurig? I must check this out. Thanks for the tip. I agree the reusable baskets from Keurig are a pain.

      I have a 12-cup drip coffee maker for company. For everyday. I use what is called a four-cup size. It really holds 2 full mugs (or thereabouts). I refill a bit at a time all morning and still end up having only two mugs.

      Nice of you to drop by. Thank you for sharing too.
