How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Awards? On My!


A surprise. To ME as well, you see.

I wasn’t planning a post tonight–I’ been LEARNING–so–o-o-slowly. Since January, I’ve avoided posting awards—because I didn’t know HOW to put them on my blog–true story (and the responsibilities were so involved and time-consuming). On the other hand, I wondered how gratifying an award was–considering the blogosphere has SO many talented and exceptional writers.

For this award, I thank Mary Louise Eklund and my recompense is  five questions.

I acknowledge all my followers with this same award: I cannot choose and exempt! Please pick one up on your  way out after reading about my foibles. . . . And, thank you Louise!!

~ * ~

1) If you could change something what would you change?

Hmm. My age? Not likely. My dreams–hm? Oh, yes. I would have started sooner had I known my life had the possibility of being much more exciting…

2) If you could repeat an age, what age would it be?

Are you NUTS? Who the heck would, in his or her right mind want to take that chance? Thanks, but I think forward. Life’s too short to think backwards.

3) What one thing really scares you?

Dying. Don’t make a fuss. I mean dying puts a stop to what I have in mind to pursue.

4) What one dream have you not completed yet and do you think you will be able to complete it.

As soon as I retired, I had my eye on the ball. There is only ONE for me now and I expect to pursue it–and I WILL. Write, write, write, as much as youd can?

5) If you could be someone else for the day, who would you be?

It’s hard enough being me, why the hell would I want to complicate my life MORE? Nope, I’m her for the

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

37 thoughts on “Awards? On My!

  1. A well deserved award Tess 😉
    I also have no clue how to get the widgets on the sidebar of my blog, so I have not bothered. Maybe I should fish and try and find out how to – will let you know if I find anything 😉


    • Thank YOU, Ghia. I just found out how. Will have to make a little time and I can try to explain. I was shaky going through the process and I’m not sure I’ve got it down exactly but the first award, before this one, I posted, showed up on my block. Yay.


  2. Congratulations dear Tess! You are very generous in your acceptance speech! hehehe!!! I also would not want to be any other age. I am also a looking forward person, I think. btw I love hearing about you! You are so entertaining! 🙂


  3. So deserving and what wonderful answers


  4. Yes, congratulations, Tess! I don’t ‘do’ these awards, but like you pass the award on to all of my followers if anyone is kind enough to nominate me… I have a comment on the widget bar advising this… even though the awards, to me, are like chain letters, the thoughts behind being nominated for the award are noble and good. You can’t say that in a few words!
    Great answers, and I agree… looking forward is the best way to look!


  5. I love your philosophy on life Tess!


  6. I like your style of award acceptance – it can be tricky! and love the answers to the questions. What a just-right life has Tess!


  7. Great answers! I do an acceptance post every now and again where I include a few in one, but I haven’t got round to putting the badges on the side of my blog yet. Maybe one day…


  8. Aw.. Tess you are a treasure to be sure! Congrats on your award and getting down the particulars. Good on you girl So wek deserved.

    I loved loved each answer Tess, and when I grow up I want to be just like you!
    Thanks for sharing~ BB


  9. Congrats on the award, Tess, and I understand completely about having to nominate people. It’s why I stopped posting my awards on posts and just put them all on a page – I couldn’t offer them to one without wanting to offer to all. I like how you did it, offering it to any and all who might want to grab it.

    I loved your answers, and especially relate to number 2.


  10. Wonderful answers and I totally agree. I think when we got to a certain age we quit wanting to be someone else and settled in on being the best we can be. Which partly why I choose you – you are a FANTASTIC YOU.


  11. Congratulations on your Award
    and do have a lovely day today
    my friend…



  12. Oh, fabbo answers. I agree with you on being someone else and going back. I have too much to do to do anything OVER!
    Congrats 😉


  13. HAHA! Congrats and love your answers!


  14. Love your answers. I would say the same thing! Congrats on your award 🙂


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