How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE


100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week #142

To join in the fun


This week’s prompt is  do you have to make that noise+ 100 words



“Newcomer neighbors. I’ve enough!” Lizzie stomped to the door in pink terry housecoat and slippers. She grabbed the broom from the closet and snickered. What good is this?

She slammed her apartment door hard and something splintered. Doors behind her burst open; cold-creamed seniors gaped. She pounded her neighbor’s door, stepped back and bristled, rubbing tender knuckles. No response. She whacked again with the broom handle. The door cracked open.

“Do you have to make that noise? I’m trying to sleep.”

“What? Sorry.”

“The party—kill it.”

“No party. Granny couldn’t sleep. We’re watching Woodstock documentaries.”

“Quiet down. Give her brandy instead.”

“Join us?”

“You have brandy?”