How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

100-Word Challenge for Grown Ups #36


Now for this week’s prompt. As you know Julia likes to be topical so she’s thinking Easter. However, she’s thinking a little outside the box! The prompt is quite simple but the trick this week is to prepare for NEXT week! Check this out at Julia’s Place.

You are to write a piece with the following:

….‘What was the rabbit late for,’ wondered Alice…..

Wonderland No More

Alice walked into the office. Hands clasped tight. A toothy rabbit behind the desk had one eye on his watch.

“Hello. Sit down. Let’s get to it. What are your favourite colours?”

“Pink and orange?” Alice looked puzzled.

“Do you like stripes, polka dots?

“I suppose…”

“The job’s yours!”

Eyes large as teacups, she stammered, “What job…?”

“Painting eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Stay here. I must go. I’m late.” And he was gone.

“What was the rabbit late for,” wondered Alice.  Face flushed, she stood up and stamped her foot. “I don’t like painting eggs. I want to go home!”

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

30 thoughts on “100-Word Challenge for Grown Ups #36

  1. Eggsellent! Eggstroadinary. EGGsactly on target. My son and I both cracked up. I loved the surprise ending. This is brilliant!


  2. Very entertaining piece! 😀
    Excellent work.


  3. This is so cute! A modern day Alice interviewing for a job – fun dialogue, I felt the sense of rush in the rabbits tone, perfectly executed!


  4. This made me smile! Loved it!!


  5. This was cute … I liked how you switched it up and made it unexpected. A job interview, and very “spring boiled egg holiday” appropriate.

    I decided to give it a try myself. This might be cheating a bit:

    Hester picked up the phone, wondering why Alice would be calling him at work on a busy Monday morning. He hadn’t even managed a “hello” yet, when he heard her breathless sputtering into the phone:

    “You’ve gotta come home – quick – I need you – RIGHT NOW!”


    She hung up the phone so fast he had no time to respond.

    Unsure, but worried, he forwarded the phones and headed home,
    driving just a bit too aggressively.

    As he walked into the apartment,
    there she was on the floor, with tears in her eyes.

    “The rabbit isn’t late, Hester. The rabbit died.”


    Like I said, that might be cheating a bit, since the prompt was “What was the rabbit late for, wondered Alice.” It’s tough when you’re limited to only 100 words, but then again, I guess that’s the point of the exercise.

    Thanks for sharing the fun, and for providing such a good example of joining in the fun, and challenging yourself. You’re an inspiration!


    • Oh, I LOVE it. I would never have thought that the rabbit died. That’s so subtle but has punch! Thank you for liking my little piece too. Maybe next Tuesday you’ll join all of us by going to Julia’s Place. If you can’t find it, the next challenge will start next Tuesday. Subscribe and you’ll automatically get advised. Did you see the part where we were already told ahead of time that the last ten words will be chosen from one of our stories for the beginning of the next challenge. I’m new to this (this is my second time) but so far I’m enjoying it. Nice talking with you ’99’. We’ll have to do this again. Tess


      • No, I didn’t see the “last ten words” part of the challenge, but in your case, that makes for a very interesting beginning! That makes your last two sentences perfect for next week … interesting to see what someone writes around those ten words. I think it’s great that you’re working on expanding with your writing skills.


      • So maybe you’ll think about it sometime . . .? If you click on Julia’s Place in last e-mail, you can read the submissions so far farther down the page. Tess


      • questionable whether I’ll join in … although it is great fun, I tend to be forgetful, or with my many ups and downs, it can be tough to truly participate when it might happen to fall on one of those off days … but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep it in mind, just in case. 🙂

        I enjoy watching you play along, and especially enjoy seeing how you are just jumping right in there … I’m always happy to see someone stretch their wings … if you keep that up, you’ll be flying in no time!


  6. This was great! I love the books and the movies. And the fact he was late to everything 😉


  7. Great job!


  8. Perfectly done! Love the job interview and Alice as a Brat


  9. I’d have the same reaction I think! Love the way the roles have been sort of reversed here. You have left it open for next week too!

    Can I just point out that you should link your post not the blog otherwise when people click the link they get taken to your latest post not necessarily 100WC.


  10. Very much Alice. And a lovely prompt I just couldn’t resist. Thanks!


  11. Pingback: The Follies of Dainty-Dilly-Dalliness and Mysterious Eggs | MoonLightened Way

    • So, the ‘ping’ is the easy easy way to point to the ‘other’ story and stuff like that. . . I didn’t know that. Thank you for it.

      I like your story, by the way. I wondered how my 10 last words might be used. This is lovely.


  12. Pingback: Easter Emergency | Stray Thoughts