How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week 154


This week the prompt is: …please let me sleep…+ 100 words

Come join in the fun. Click below to learn how:


What’s in a Name?

Sue-Ellen’s nose itched. She mashed a fist into it and rolled over. A muffled thud shook the foot of the bed. She snuggled deeper into the covers and sighed. Something wormed its way beneath the comforter and tapped her cheek. “No.” she turned over.

Thump. A weight dropped on her shoulder. “Please let me sleep.” She unglued an eyelid and peeked out through a crack. The cat purred loud and large,  and jumped off. He slipped a paw in again and tapped her face. “Cinnamon?”

“Where is Kil—?”

Smash. Crash. The cat tore off the bed. Sue-Ellen followed

“Killer! You’re a demon cat!”

The End

© 2015 Tess and How the Cookie Crumbles. All Rights Reserved.


Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

29 thoughts on “100-Word Challenge for Grownups – Week 154

  1. Kitties are great alarm clocks… Whether you want to get up or not… Hugs


  2. The kitty just wanted some companionship, now that Sue-Ellen is awake Killer will go off to sleep. Excellent as always, great post, Tess. 🙂


  3. When the kitty says it’s time to wake up, it’s time to wake up. I love this one. 🙂


  4. A dog would never do that. Really.


  5. I’m afraid it would drive me mad. Both our kids have cats but I am afraid that kind of early morning action would not amuse me.


  6. Miaow. miaow. miaow.. he said purring a loud. 😉


  7. It’s not only cats 😉 That’s why my dog sleeps downstairs….mostly ❤


  8. You can close your eyes with a cat around???? 😀


  9. Well it was obviously time for Sue-Ellen to get up and stop being so lazy!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. who is K>>>>>>>>>>> ?????


  11. Cute story, Tess. 😀


  12. Everyone has a job to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Rodents would never be so inconsiderate.


  14. Cat are always in charge. ALWAYS.

    This is why I have dogs… I don’t take instruction well. 😀

    Well done, Tess. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You think so? My cats are trained not to wake me early cause they want to eat. they wait till the alarm goes off and I jump out of bed. This weekend, the power went out and my alarm didn’t buzz. Not one peep out of them, though they had to wait an extra 1-1/2 hours. Mind you, one of the cats stars at the red letters on my clock radio confused it doesn’t when she she thinks it’s time. 😀 😀 😀


  16. I imagine this is based on a true story. I know; dogs do this too. 😀


    • Nice to see you, Loretta. Not really true. Dickens used to try waking me up by snaking his little paw under the covers to pat my face, but he doesn’t anymore. He sleeps until the alarm goes off, as does Lady G. 😀 😀 Thank goodness I don’t have a personality like Killer! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Exactly the kind of ending I’d expect in anything that includes a cat. When you get to the point of destruction the cat is asleep and contented.
    xxx Massive Hugs Tess xxx


    • Massive hugs back, David.I have two ‘purr-fect’ cats. They let me sleep and don’t bother me for food until the alarm goes off. The female sleeps all day and the male is my lap cat, who doesn’t like to waste his day sleeping but wants to keep me company instead. Frankly, I wish he’d sleep more as I have to type around him. He’s my new Rescue cat and has been with me about five months. I’ve never had a bad cat, at least once I trained each one. 😀 😀 😀


  18. You must be intimately familiar with my two demon cats! 😉


  19. 😀 😀 Not at all. I’ve always had purr-fect cats. I don’t understand all the negative, but lovable stories I hear about cats. Mine have been brain-washed…I mean trained…not to bother me till the alarm buzzes. I slept in last weekend because we’d had a power outage, neither cat sat on my head nor blew cat breath on me demanding food. Sure they take turns staring at my clock radio willing it to buzz, but they are well behaved and patient.

    Lady G. sleeps all day and Dickens, whom I’ve had only five months, likes to curl up on my lap all day while I try typing. He likes to check out what I’m having for dinner sometimes because he probably thinks I’m a great cook. Once I left chicken drumsticks slathered in chicken wing sauce on the counter to cool and he thought they were delicious but I’m more careful now. ❤ ❤ ❤ This was a.f.t.e.r. he'd had his own dinner. 😀 😀

    In the past I've had cats who fetch and sit on command before their food bowls are filled, but I haven't put in the time for the training this time around. Cats are really smart, aren't they? 😛


  20. Cats and their ways. Nothing like a rude awakening. Glad it was just the cat though, as I did wonder, ha! Great fun flash Tess 🙂 ❤ 😀


  21. Tess – I’ve had my share of cats waking me in the wee hours of the mourn. My little darlings never did adjust to my new retirement hours. They loved the idea that I stayed up all night to work but sleeping all morning was beyond their comprehension. However, we are on the verge of possibly getting a cat again. Tom and I both love having a cat – he’d never had a cat until we married but after living all those years with Morti and putting up with his propitiatory and judgmental ways, he tell’s me a cat might be nice again. At least you brought up our discussion again. Thanks for doing that and again, you are the master of the 100 word fiction.


    • I’m so excited. I hope you get a cat. End of January I got a second rescue cat and he’s lovely. He’s crawled under my skin and is so adorable. When he isn’t snoozing, he likes to park on my lap and curl up and sigh. Of course he needs to change positions, or stands up to put his front paws on a shoulder which means he wants a proper hug. He sits on the table beside my laptop and ‘only has eyes for me’.

      I found out two weeks after I brought him home, ( I took him to the vet) he had / has terrible breath and found out he had FIV and gingivitis, was missing two teeth at 1-1/2 years old. I wanted to give him back. I yelled at the Rescue lady I had dealt with and asked why neither his gum inflammation nor missing teeth were on his chart in the dental part. I decided, I didn’t trust them with him and kept him.

      He does like to investigate my counters when he smells cooking and that displeases me but he will learn–at least while I’m in the same room. ❤ ❤ ❤

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      • I’ve loved cats from day 1. Tom had never been around a house cat until he met Morti and they didn’t get off to a smashing start. Then when we moved to DC he rescued Miss Scarlet O’Hara and it was love at first sight. Tom’s health is frail right now and decisions are made carefully. The cat is more or less idea we talk about from time to time. We both miss having a cat but we also know the major responsibilities that go along with pet ownership.


  22. Love the story and the very interesting conversation about cats. You must be very good at training them… or they really like you and let you think you’re in charge. Have a great weekend!


  23. We ARE a mutual admiration society. 😀 😀
    I had a male cat once who didn’t like anybody near me, not my grandchildren, my daughter. He peed in the kids’ doll house. I had a friend visit and lent her a pair of slippers. After she left, he peed in them. I left a filter for my stove overhead fan on the table for a couple days. It didn’t belong and he–you know. The last time I moved, my packed boxes of books didn’t escape his notice. Yep. He marked them too. It all started with the move I think and three years later, I couldn’t take anymore. I had to put him down. He was 12, but I couldn’t let him ruin my house. He didn’t like anyone but me and the funny thing is, he used to be my daughter’s cat but I adopted him because she didn’t like him too much. She had another cat she like better.
    Have a fabulous weekend. I hope to put my feet up for a while in the next two days. 😀
