How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE

Flash in the Pan: Alive & Energized


Attila fed the bonfire with dried logs long hidden, awaiting this task.

“We must cut off its head and throw it into the fire to burn.”

“But, it’s alive…”

“The bat, use the bat first. Where’s the bag. The fire is ready.”

“Uh, there’s a hole in the ba…. it escaped…”

“Idióta. It’ll keep coming back, and never die now. Balazs, you are seven, almost a man—you disappoint me—again.”

The boy smacked his forehead. He trembled, knowing what was in store for him now.

~ * ~

The word limit for Alive is 100 words. I used 86 words. Also at


Thunder rumbles; rain pelts; lightening rents the sky. Arms raised high, Tomer adores the storm, his eyes wild and breath sour.

Cackling madly, he hurls the bottle at the window. “A good storm gets me en-nerr-gized!”  The glass explodes. Tomer crumbles to the floor, limbs scattered like dropped kindling.

~ * ~

The word limit for Energized is 50 words. I used 49. Check out for rules and contributions.

Author: Let's CUT the Crap!

I'm getting a little LONG in the tooth and have things to say about---ouch---AGEing. I believe it's certainly a state of mind but sometimes it's nice to hear that you're NORMAL. I enjoy reading by the truckload. I'm a grandma but I don't feel OLD although I'm not so young anymore. My plan is to stick it out as long as I can on this lovely planet and only will leave it kicking and screaming!

18 thoughts on “Flash in the Pan: Alive & Energized

  1. “But, it’s alive…” good one! The placement and draw of it is really good.


  2. Seven, almost a man poor baby! Tess I always enjoy your use of language, limbs scattered like dropped kindling – amazing imagery.Wonderful.


    • Gilly, so nice to hear from you. I must have read or heard something somewhere (I’m not sure) which gave me the idea behind that sentence. Makes me want to go steal the boy away even if the story is made up.


  3. Oh boy!!!
    Good stories Tess!
    Brevity really makes you think about what you write – and it seems to be that much more, there I suppose – enjoyed these 😉


  4. It’s emarkable what you can say with so few words.
    But I’d often like to know just a little more… Like what is the fate of the poor boy?


  5. I LOVE your writing Tess. Always so descriptive… inspiring. 🙂 Les is more, huh?


  6. Tess, most excellent! Both of them had me on the edge of my seat.


  7. Iam wondering was in the bag – intriguing.


    • Hi Gail. I can’t tell you. I only know what I think it MIGHT be. Must be a scary animal, which these people have had bad run-ins with, or are superstitious about. Thank you for commenting.


  8. Methinks Tomer has had quite enough. LOL! Great flashes, Tess. xxx


  9. Tess, this is really so well written! You convey so much in so few words!
