How the Cookie Crumbles

Life and scribbles on the far side of SIXTY-FIVE


Share Your World #15

I’m a little pressed for time today.  Have been wanting to try one of these, so here I go.  I’ve just finished reading:

with link to Cee’s page describing the rules. Here is that link:

Cee’s Life Photography Blog             

If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

I would love to live in Spain. When I was a little girl, without knowing anything about it, I’d made up my mind that’s where I would like to live. Even after I was old enough to think about it, it stuck as my first choice. It must have something to do with reincarnation. Go figure.

If you were a car or truck what make, model, year and color would you be?

I would definitely be a Nissan Cube; 2012 model year. The first time I saw one, I fell in love. It’s so cartoon-like and fun looking. I’d be the next best thing since the latest version of the Volkswagen Beetle. Beautiful in white. Just look at my gently rounded silouette. Just look at the Flintstone windows!

 What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?

I would like to leave a legacy for my grandchildren. Hopefully, it’ll be something thought provoking and interesting that they’ll be proud of.

Where do you eat breakfast?

I have my breakfast hanging over the morning newspaper.

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You know, of course, that these are my deepest secrets and I would ask that you not devulge this information to ANYone.